Newnan GA

Expert Spine Surgeons in Newnan GA


3229 Highway 34 East, Suite 103

Newnan, GA 30265






Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Sat - Sun: Closed

Pain and Spine Care in Newnan

We are leading pain and spine care specialists in Georgia. Our pain management specialists have decades of experience in treating neck and back pain and conditions relating to the spine. We offer treatments such as epidural steroid injections, radiofrequency ablation, facet joint injections, PRP therapy and much more. We cater our pain treatment plan to your specific condition and work to resolve any pain you have.

Newnan Spine Surgeon

Our neurosurgeons specialize in spine procedures that provide relief for many symptoms and conditions such as herniated discs, osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis. We service the Newnan community as spine specialists and treat chronic back pain, as well as injury that’s the result of a sudden impact such as a car accident or fall. Spine treatment in Newnan takes a skilled doctor, and our spine surgeons are board certified as well as decades of experience performing thousands of procedures. You can rest assured you’re in good hands.

Trusted Spine Doctors in Newnan, GA

AllSpine Laser & Surgery Center can provide guidance and treatments for patients who haven’t found relief through traditional outlets. We offer 2nd opinions and same-day appointments on referrals. Call our dedicated team at (770) 997-0600 to schedule your appointment at one of our 4 locations.